How to upload artwork

  1. When you are ready to make an order on our site, go to the product page and click on the Design button.
  2. In our Design Lab, you can click the Add Artwork button to upload artwork from your computer.
  3. Browse to the file on your computer and then click on the Upload File button to upload your artwork to the product.
  4. Customize your product just the way you want it.

Image resolution and quality: Use high-resolution images – 300 dpi (dots per inch) at the size you’d like the image printed. Example: Your logo will be printed on a water bottle at 3-inch wide, so we’d need either print-ready vector artwork or an image at 3-inch wide at 300 dpi.

Please note that if your artwork is low resolution or low quality we may have to spend extra time converting your artwork to clean, print-ready art, a time-consuming process which may delay rush orders. If we are unable to convert your low-quality artwork, we may need to contact you and ask for a better quality image.

Without a high-quality image, we cannot guarantee a high-quality print so we will always do our best to either convert your image to print-ready vector art or contact you with any issues prior to printing.

Troubleshooting: If you are having trouble uploading your artwork, you can also send your artwork as an email attachment to our art email address. Please include your order number in the email so we can connect your artwork with your order.

If you have any questions about sending Deluxe your artwork, please call us at 855-833-5893 between 9AM and 6PM EST to speak with a promotions expert.