Fundraising Products, Gifts and Giveaways
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Fundraising Products From Deluxe: A Partnership and Consultative Approach
Let’s face it. There are thousands of promotional products companies out there that will push fundraising products on you. But only a partnership with Deluxe Promotional Products gives you fundraising benefits designed to maximize your ROI:
- Consultation. You’ll talk with a promotions expert, who will make timely and meaningful suggestions at every stage of the process
- Problem-Solving. We know the challenges you’re likely to face before you face them--and we know the solutions necessary to keep you well-ahead of the game
- Development. If you don’t see fundraising gifts on our site that fit your needs, we have the resources to create a brand new product that will literally bring down the house
Real-World Fundraising Giveaways Case Studies
Case Study #1: Healthcare Industry with A Promotion that’s All Heart
- The Need. A client in the healthcare industry approached us with an idea of promotional lanyards for heart patients in hospitals.
- The Challenge. The commodity material used to make lanyards, as well as product specifications, were not allowed to be used on heart floors in hospitals.
- The Solution. Deluxe worked directly with a factory and developed a custom lanyard with specific materials, features, and benefits that empowered the client to promote their cause in hospitals. A cell phone attachment, plastic convenience release, and slide adjuster were added to insure the product could be used on heart floors.
- The Result. The product was so well-received that the client issued 90,000+ lanyards over the past three years and earned massive exposure on a floor they had not been able to penetrate with promotional materials before.
Case Study #2: Special Needs Community with a Quality Promotion in the Bag
- The Need. A client in the special needs community approached us in need of cost-effective fundraising gifts that would allow them to be involved in the manufacturing process.
- The Challenge. Since their workforce was blind and budgets were tight, the client needed a specific product to meet these specific demands.
- The Solution. Deluxe developed a folding bag imported directly from overseas to the client’s factory in the Northeast where they were able to use their workforce to sew on the pocket to 50,000 bags and resell them within the non-profit community for more than double their cost.
- The Result. This solutions helped keep many members of the blind community active in a cause that directly benefited thousands of members.