Does Deluxe provide sample products?

Yes! We are happy to provide registered, qualified customers up to 3 (three) free sample products per order for the purpose of inspecting product quality and color. Call the phone number located on our website or Chat with an agent now ยป between 9AM and 6PM EST Monday through Friday to make a sample request.

  • Samples are available to registered customers only.
  • Samples may ship blank with no imprint or have a random imprint from a previous print job.
  • Samples are free up to a $10 value per order, including shipping. If the total cost of the 3 sample products plus ground shipping exceeds $10, you may be charged the difference, with your approval. Charges for samples may be credited toward a future order of that product.
  • For higher value samples, you may be required to purchase the item at cost. Charges for this sample may be credited toward a future order of that product.
  • Samples usually arrive within 5-7 business days. Samples may expedited, however additional charges may apply.

Note that this policy does not cover pre-production proofs (also known as spec samples), which are products printed with your actual logo. Please call the phone number located on our website for more information on ordering pre-production proofs.