Custom Paper Mate Products
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Most of us who work in an office setting can't get through a day without the help of a Paper-Mate product. In fact, almost anyone would be hard pressed to get by for ten minutes without a handy Paper-Mate pen or pencil! Even in our digital age, it's impossible to discount the absolute necessity of old fashioned writing utensils. And when you consider that there's nothing old-fashioned about Paper-Mate's brand of pens and pencils, it's no wonder these are such ubiquitous essentials. What's not ubiquitous however are custom Paper-Mate pens or mechanical pencils. Sure, there are a ton of personalized pens out there - you probably own several on your desk right now, advertising hotels or local golf clubs. But think about how effectively they work and how far they've traveled. Now imagine a slew of personalized Paper-Mate pens bearing your corporate logo or name dispersed throughout the world. Considering the whole host of options to choose from, you'll be able to cast a wide net - from ball-point to colored ink, retractable, stick and gel. With promotional Paper-Mate pens, you're sure to spread your brand far and wide! Paper Mate, with its recognizable two hearts logo, has been providing progressive, performance-driven pens, pencils and correction products for more than 50 years. From students to professionals, Paper Mate continues its love affair with the American public and the world.Count on Deluxe for your custom Paper Mate pens and other writing instruments. Shop online or call toll-free 855-833-5893 Monday through Friday between 9 AM and 8 PM ET to speak with a promotions expert.Paper Mate Promotional Products
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